一段电影般的旅程~ A cinematic journey~







I have wanted to learn English since I was a freshman. After five years, I was still in a state where I could understand a little English, but could never dare to speak. Until I met Melody.

For me, Melody is not just an English teacher. She is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. She’s like a character straight out of a feel-good, inspirational movie. She’s a confident, loving, responsible mentor who will really think about you and your best interest.

Unlike other teachers, those who take on one class after another on a teaching marathon, Melody follows a well thought-out schedule so she can really focus on her students. She makes full use of the time to address your learning needs and constantly provides you with new ideas and uses different teaching methods to promote your learning progress.

Before, I had no knowledge of grammar and spoken English but Melody was very patient and worked with me from the beginning, bit by bit. She knows the different reasons why you would want to learn English, and how you can master the language. Whether it’s helping improve your oral or written English, fluency or English grammar, or sharing interesting stories from English-speaking countries, Melody can make every class a learning experience where you can pick up a lot of practical things.

Not only that, Melody has some truly important qualities that I think all teachers should have: patience and dedication to see her students thrive. No matter what stage I am at or what difficulties I encounter, Melody can always meet me, encourage me, and help me overcome step by step. I’m so happy and lucky to meet such an amazing teacher!

Thank you!

Les professeurs

Groupe 60% de réduction😍
77 €
/ 50 min
30 €
/ Cours d'essai
anglaisC2 Maîtrise
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Groupe 60% de réduction😍
anglaisC2 Maîtrise
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Prenez une longueur d'avance dans votre nouvelle vie en étudiant ou en travaillant à l'étranger🤝 Établissez la confiance et créez des situations gagnant-gagnant dans les affaires 🥂 Allez au-delà des sujets superficiels et construisez des relations durables✌️ Embrassez les cultures du monde et comprenez différentes perspectives.
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13 avis

  • 對你有益。
    - 對您在每堂課中的表現進行綜合評估,例如,可以包括以下內容:
    - 你擅長的領域:請你的導師對你的長處進行全面評估並記錄下來,以便你專注於其他領域[弱點]
    - 你的語法錯誤和句子結構錯誤:你所有的錯誤都應該被記錄下來,作為你學習進度的參考。
    - 改進建議:應評估您的弱點,並相應地提供改進建議。
    - 專門針對你的弱點的作業,例如,如果你有語法問題,那麼作業將集中在語法上。


    - 請您的導師專注於英語語言的各個方面,例如聽力、閱讀、語法、閱讀理解策略、批判性思維技巧、寫作技巧、詞彙擴展技巧等,以確保您發展英語的所有領域語言同時。
    - 您可以建議額外的資源,例如視頻、音頻文件和文章,以幫助您更好地欣賞所學內容。祝您學習之旅順利。
  • 恭喜您找到適合自己的老師,我也一樣,我自從上了課之後,漸漸發現看美劇都能聽到有學過的單字,也比較能融會貫通。
    最近我寫了一篇英文的學習心得,裡面有一些老師教的學英文的方法,想請大家多多支持按個喜歡,衷心地感謝大家的鼓勵, 也祝大家的學業蒸蒸日上!💪😊😄


    Hello guys, this is my English learning story


    If you like my story, please vote a like💖,thank you so much 😊
  • 非常精彩的学习经历,谢谢你的分享!
  • 我也是不敢說,很害羞😊
  • Thank you for sharing! There are many teachers out there, but you seemed to have found the perfect one. Good for you!
  • I couldn't agree with you more. Melody is a fantastic teacher who takes her students on an exciting learning journey.
  • 加油~
  • So inspiring and uplifting 💫
  • That's true, Melody is super amazing! Before I met her, I never think a tutor will take such lots of time to help students! I also really appreciate her patience and enthusiasm. I'm just starting the lessons for a month. Thank you for your sharing! I'm looking forward to the learning journey and growing with Melody.
  • I totally agree with you. She seems like a superstar coming from the movie. She is a real teacher indeed. She is very thoughtful and she always not only helps us improve our English level, but she also cares about our life. She is really an amazing coach. And your story is very inspiring too. Thanks for your sharing.
  • very inspiring story!! keep up the good work!
  • Very inspiring! In everything we do, success comes down to finding the right people to work with. It is the synergy that flows out of it that allows us to realize our full potential. So happy for you!
  • I agree with you. Life is like a movie and maybe even better than a movie!! And I'm so happy and lucky to be part of the cast~~
    Thank you so much for your love and trust!! I wish you all the best for all your future endeavours and I know you will do great in whatever area you put your heart into! I am always here for you whenever you need me, as a teacher, a mentor, and a friend!!